When I was a mere 25 years of age, I felt the Lord calling me to missions. I remember that Sunday morning as if it were only yesterday. A missionary came to speak to our congregation about a far away place called Papua, New Guinea. I was seated, only half listening, a rambunctious 3 year old at my side. My husband, listened calmly, and carefully took notes.
As I recall, our son enjoyed making faces at anyone who dared pay him the least bit of attention. If making facing didn't work, he would tug at my lap and wish to climb near my head and shoulders. My ever patient husband paid us no mind.
As the sermon ended, I vaguely heard the missionary say, "If you feel that the Lord is speaking to you about going on the mission field, please come forward! I would like to pray for you."
Suddenly, my heart began to pound. A strong, rhythmic beat...harder and harder. What on earth was happening to me? Oh Lord, I cried within my self...You don't want me to go forward do You?
And then I knew. I was indeed suppose to go forward. Frantically, I looked at my husband, who was causally watching those moving forward for prayer. I think I'm suppose to go forward, I whispered to him. Will you go up there with me? "I'm not going up there!" he exclaimed.
As if drawn from my chair by an invisible force, I left my son and husband, and walked to the altar.
After the service was over a large group of us when out for lunch. As we sat together sipping coffee and sharing french fries, my husband began to wonder about my being called to the mission field, and he had not.
Oh not to worry he was told! Often times the Lord calls each individually. Then each person will be sure of "the call" on their lives. Suddenly I announced, "Not only do I feel called, but I also feel that the Lord is telling me that someday I'll be going to Africa." Oh my! Don't worry about that our friends laughed, as they noticed the horror on my husband's face. Everyone who's called to missions fears the worse will happen. Everyone always feels that they'll end up in Africa.
Nearly 25 years later, my dear husband and I held hands as the 747 prepared to land. As we gazed out into the deep darkness, it wasn't the darkness of the continent which surprised us. What surprised us was the lack of electricity. This, our first trip to Africa. The Lord had begun to fulfill His calling.
My dear husband, walking the dirt roads of Africa. Sharing God's love with the poor and the needy. Sharing the call of the Lord...with me.